You can leave the Fleas and Ticks at the front door // Bravecto

You can leave fleas and ticks at the front door

No un-wanted guests are welcome here thanks! All fleas and paralysis ticks can be left at the front door! We recently teamed up with Bravecto to help you guys have a better understanding about these little nasty critters and why it is important to protect your pets!

When do fleas and paralysis ticks attack?

 Fleas and ticks are more likely to come out during the warmer weather. However, please always ensure your pet is treated all year round as the little creepers can still be a hazard.

What are fleas and paralysis ticks?

Paralysis ticks are a parasite that attach to your pet and suck blood out. (EEK like vampires) As you can see below, there is a big difference in size between an unfed and a fed paralysis tick. While the paralysis tick sucks the blood out of the animal, it injects a toxin that affects the animal’s nervous system that can leave the animal with severe symptoms and sometimes even cause death.

Fleas are pesky little critters that make any animal scratch over and over again. The most common flea that impacts pets is the Ctenocephalides felis or the cat flea (might we mention that there are 2,500 species). A flea has four life stages (eek)!

Stage 1: Eggs

Did you know that female fleas can lay up to 50 eggs at a time and 5000 hundred in her lifetime? 

Stage 2: Larva

The larva stage is when the eggs hatch between 5-10 days and feed off dead skin and the faeces of an adult flea.

Stage 3: Pupa

Essentially this stage is when a flea creates a cocoon, and it could stay there up
 to several months at a time! A flea will stay there until it senses a new warm-blooded pet nearby.









Stage 4: Adults Once a flea has emerged from the cocoon it will need to feed on  pet to continue its life cycle.

(Image source:

What are the signs that my pet might have a paralysis tick on them?

Symptoms of a paralysis tick can include an upset tummy, weakness in the back legs which can also lead to a complete paralysis eventually. Also keep an eye and ear out for heavy breathing, dry coughing and/or vomiting.

How do you remove a paralysis tick?

To remove the tick, you grab its head rather than its body. You can use tweezers or a special tick removing device, available at a pet store. To be safe, it is recommended that you take your pet to the vet immediately.

 Gross fact:

 Did you know?!?! A flea can start feeding on your animal’s blood within five minutes and they can feed  for up to 2.5 hours! (GROSS) They also are known to lay 40/50 eggs PER DAY and it can take up to eight weeks toget rid of fleas in the home!! 

What does the King of Dachshunds use?

We are so excited to try the new Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs treatment on Kingsley as it now provides long-lasting protection for 6 months against paralysis ticks and fleas. We love the idea of how easy the Spot-on treatment works. It is as simple as twist'n'use (the cap doesn’t come off).


What about for cats?

Bravecto also has a new option for cats as well! Now we all know how strange and odd cats can be at times so this will be like going on a holiday! Bravecto Spot-on for Cats lasts for up to 3 months against paralysis ticks and fleas.

So, if you are struggling to find the perfect flea and tick treatment for your pets, we would recommend you look into Bravecto Spot-on for Cats and Bravecto Spot-on for Dogs. You can check out the Bravecto website and see what treatment is suitable for you and your pets!  

If you also have any more questions for us please send us an email to
Love King Kingsley
The King of Dachshunds xx

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